Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last Day!

Today was my last day at my job! I just worked six days in a row and I am incredibly exhausted. I spent the entire shift cleaning a machine we bought from another theatre that closed down. It was disgusting. I don't think I will miss the work part of that job, but I will definitely miss the people. They were all so nice and funny and great to work with, even the ridiculous 14 year old kids who sometimes got on my nerves. I worked there for a year and a half, so it is definitely going to be a big change not working there! I did need a change though, so hopefully when i get back I can find a better paying job so i can actually afford to move out after graduation!

This marks the countdown until England at 10 days! I'm going to be spending them running last minute errands, packing strategically and spending time with friends before i jet off. I won't see one of my best friends until December because she is doing a year in Australia! I don't know what I will do without her for a semester. I still have to sort out my phone, which I will be doing on Saturday. I am either getting my new phone right away so i can keep my number or just cancelling my plan, not sure yet. Tomorrow i have to pay my rent and get my boots resoled because the heel has fallen apart. My dad is coming up this weekend to spend some time with me before I leave the country for 5 months. We haven't seen each other since sometime in the summer, so it will be nice to spend at least 24 hours with him.  

I'm starting to seriously realize that this exchange is happening, it is not just my imagination and really i should have started classes already. It is getting even harder to fall asleep at night because I can't stop thinking about things and i had my first small anxiety attack over the weekend. Also had a little freak out over registration because I thought i had messed it up. I am so excited but this is a lot of stress! 


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