Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Four Days to go

I can't even express in words how i am feeling right now. I'm not overly anything, but i feel a mixture of excitement, nervousness, anxiety, a "is this even real?" mentality. Pretty sure even though I am nearly ready to go, it has not actually hit me yet. I wonder if it will. Maybe not until I get there and am in a completely different environment. Let's just hope nothing goes wrong and my flight is all good, especially considering the weather in the UK lately. 

Since my last day at my job, I have been running errands, seeing friends and enjoying my 'vacation' before school starts again. I went to breakfast with my friend who is going to Australia for a year and then we went dancing with another friend who is spending her 3rd year in California but was back for Christmas. That was really fun! I also finally saw Django Unchained and Gangster Squad, both of which were awesome films in their own ways. 

I've pretty much packed everything I am taking. I am really hoping that my suitcases are not overweight because I am bringing a lot of products i don't feel like paying twice the cost for in the UK. I can't believe i ever thought i could pack everything in one suitcase! The girl i know who went to Paris must be a miracle worker if she managed to get just one. At least i will have plenty of room on the way back for things i get there as i can leave my empties there! I am also trying to bring a lot of things because i don't want to have to spend a ridiculous amount of money there. And by things i mean like a beach towel, hand cloth and hair turban! All I will have to worry about is bedding and kitchen things.

I really wish the accommodation would let us know who our flatmates will be. I think that is the one thing i am really nervous for! What if we don't get along? I'm just going to have to hope for the best.

I finally got my UK SIM card today and my mom got her phone unlocked for me to use. She decided she would rather have me use that than use my shattered one. Unfortunately getting it unlocked completely wiped her stuff from it, which she had hoped to keep. I'm going to set it up for me to use and upload my music to it as well. I would bring my shattered iPhone to use as an iPod but i think bringing those and my new phone for emergencies may be a bit much! 

Literally counting down the days until my flight! Only a few more days to finish packing before i am leaving home for five months!!
