Wednesday, November 21, 2012


In less than 10 weeks, I will be on a plane to England. I am beyond excited. Everything has started to become very real as I begin paying for things. I've booked my flight, have been assigned my accommodation and paid the damage deposit...The cost of everything has officially hit me. Thankfully I have applied for student loans and by the end of this week, I should know if I have won any scholarships through my school.

The semester seems to be rolling by - I can't believe i have only 2 weeks of classes left before finals! The stress adds up though, with the papers! My mind has been on England this entire semester and I am sure you can believe how hard it was to take initiative in my work. I've got two more papers to write and not a lot of time, so hello pressure!Taking 4 history classes this semester may have been a mistake but I can't stop now! 

In preparation for this trip, I have even had to order a new battery for my computer. Can you believe it, after two years, my battery is done. According to reviews on the website, this happens to all of them. For good measure, I invested in the larger, more favorably reviewed battery. This got me to thinking about adapters, so I am hoping I can find a cord for my computer that works in the UK! One less mini adapter to buy, I guess. 

Here in the Canadian prairies, it has essentially been winter since the middle of October. You can bet I am ready for a change of weather. In my city, the weather likes to tease us with miniature chinooks between cold spells and the lack of sunlight makes a lot of people depressed. You might think that the rain of England would not help this, but I've kept track, I have yet to see Nottingham get below zero while I have already encountered the frosty air of -25°C. I'd just really like some change!

Once classes and exams have finished, I hope to start my scrapbook in my free time between working. I plan on keeping one for memories, just as i am keeping this blog. I just need to figure out how to start it... 


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